ACTIVE Reading / Writing

  1. 3. Question your writing needs to answer
  2. 8. Summarize a text in your own words
  3. 9. Start with why or how
  4. 10. Text-to-text, text-to-self, text-to-world
  5. 13. Identifying the meaning of unknown words using context clues
  1. 1. Answering the prompt
  2. 2. Explaining your quote
  3. 4. Make an education guess about what you think will happen next
  4. 5. Need this to properly introduce your quote
  5. 6. Quote that supports your claim
  6. 7. Providing background information to the reader before introducing your quote
  7. 11. Make an educated guess about what is currently happening in the story
  8. 12. Determining the message or theme of a text