
  1. 3. Staying outdoors in a tent and enjoying nature.
  2. 6. Moving quickly on foot at a faster pace than walking.
  3. 9. Moving rhythmically to music, expressing emotions through movements.
  4. 10. Moving through water by using arms and legs, often for recreation.
  5. 11. Piano Producing music by pressing keys on a keyboard instrument.
  6. 12. Walking in nature, often on trails or in the mountains.
  7. 13. Looking at words and sentences to understand stories or information.
  8. 14. Soccer Kicking a ball to score goals in a team sport played on a field.
  1. 1. Creating handmade items using various materials and techniques.
  2. 2. Producing musical sounds with the voice, often accompanied by music.
  3. 4. Using colors and brushes to create art on canvas or paper.
  4. 5. Riding a bicycle for exercise or leisure.
  5. 7. Planting and caring for plants in a garden or outdoor space.
  6. 8. Preparing food by combining ingredients and using heat.
  7. 11. Chess Using strategic thinking to move pieces on a checkered board game.