  1. 1. Between the ages of 12 and 14, he or she may progress to shoplifting and vandalism.
  2. 7. unauthorized absences from school by any juvenile subject to compulsory education laws.
  3. 8. A person whose basic needs have been purposely ignored or badly met physically or emotionally, by his guardians or parents.
  4. 11. The oldest known code dates back 400 years, to 2270 B.C. that takes into account of numerous acts of misconduct, some pertains to youth.
  5. 13. is a person who is typically under the age of 18 and commits an act that would otherwise have resulted in a criminal charge if they were an adult.
  6. 15. refers to a child who is at risk of committing criminal offenses due to personal, family, and social circumstances.
  7. 16. a defiant expression.
  8. 17. The first institution for juveniles was established in 1825, which was the predecessor of the  American Reformatory School.
  9. 18. Around the age of 15, four or more types of crime are added.
  10. 19. A person who is under the age of eighteen (18).
  11. 21. There is a significant increase in variety and seriousness at the age of 13.
  1. 2. escalates to aggressive acts, starting with aggression and progressing to physical fighting and, finally, violence.
  2. 3. It refers to the mental ability to distinguish between right and wrong and the consequences of doing so.
  3. 4. It is a term used to describe actions that violate society's established rules, customs, and mores.
  4. 5. Fraternity or group membership in anti-social organizations.
  5. 6. These are young persons who are considered immature or whose mental and emotional faculties are not completely developed. As a result, they have become incapable of taking action.
  6. 9. Begin with minor deception that results in property damage. This type of behavior eventually leads to more serious criminal activity.
  7. 10. It refers to any action or behavior of children or youth that is not conventional or is not normally accepted by the public.
  8. 12. Changeable attitudes, such as dissatisfaction with one's status.
  9. 14. Rejected or abandoned, with no parents to imitate and turn aggressive.
  10. 20. Between the ages of 8 and 12, the child begins with petty larceny.