Malachi NKJV

  1. 6. "'And let none deal ____ with the wife of his youth.'" (2:15)
  2. 7. "'For the Lord God of Israel says the He hates ____, for it covers one's garment with violence.'" (2:16)
  3. 8. "'So he feared Me and was ____ before My name.'" (2:5)
  4. 10. "'Behold, He is ____,' says the Lord of Hosts." (3:1)
  1. 1. "So a book of ____ was written before Him for those who fear the Lord and who meditate on His name." (3:16)
  2. 2. "The burden of the word of the Lord to Israel by ____." (1:1)
  3. 3. "'But to you who fear My name, the Sun of ____ shall arise with healing in His wings.'" (4:2)
  4. 4. "'My name shall be great among the ____.'" (1:11)
  5. 5. "'For I am the Lord, I do not ____.'" (3:6)
  6. 9. "'They may build, but I will throw ____.'" (1:4)