adaptive body defenses

  1. 2. region that contain heavy and light chain
  2. 4. the case' name of troublesome small molecules
  3. 6. immune sera that used to treat poisonous snakes bite
  4. 7. major types of cells that acting as APCs
  5. 10. immunity that acquired when we receives vaccines
  6. 12. others name for antibody mediated immunity
  7. 15. Foreign molecules that recognized adaptive immune system
  8. 16. type of memory that memory cells are responsible for
  9. 19. cell that directly attack invading antigen
  10. 20. Cells that produce antibodies and oversee humoral immunity.
  11. 22. Others name for adaptive body defense
  12. 23. occur in both monomer and dimer
  13. 24. others name for antibodies
  14. 25. first types of adaptive immunity
  15. 26. antibody that contain serum from the surviving animals
  16. 28. called name for IgM antibodies
  17. 29. one of the ways for antibodies to inactivate antigens
  18. 30. it contains pathogens that are dead or attenuated
  1. 1. process where lymphocytes begins to grow and multiplies rapidly
  2. 3. Factors that protect our body from future attacks by the same pathogen
  3. 5. source of natural acquired of passive immunity
  4. 8. ability of responding to a specific antigen by binding to it with antigen specific receptors
  5. 9. it is originate from hemocytoblasts in red bone narrow
  6. 11. lymphoid organ that place for immature lymphocytes divide rapidly
  7. 13. bathe body surface that mainly can found secretory IgA
  8. 14. obtained from the serum of an immune human or animal donor
  9. 17. antibodies that used to descendants of a single cell
  10. 18. immunity that prevents an outbreak of the disease or infection
  11. 21. essentially identical in different antibodies of the same class
  12. 27. important aspect of adaptive body defense that can recognizes and mounts even stronger attacks on previously encountered pathogens