ADB UNIT I - Revision

  1. 3. Systematic collection of data
  2. 6. It shown relationship among two tables
  3. 7. It is used to delete/update record from
  4. 9. It is also called as information hiding
  5. 11. One type of schema constraints
  6. 13. Another term used for degree of relation
  7. 14. Total number of attributed in the table
  8. 16. Database which stores data in the form of tables
  1. 1. Term used in object oriented database
  2. 2. Key which is used to distinguish among tuples
  3. 4. One type of database
  4. 5. Object oriented database concept
  5. 8. as well as from child table
  6. 10. Superiority of keys
  7. 12. Total number of tuples in the table
  8. 15. Constraint that Specifies restriction on attributes