Adecco at Work

  1. 2. give assistance to
  2. 5. participate or become involved in
  3. 6. achieving a significant amount or result
  4. 8. the action or process of accomplishing a task
  5. 10. work jointly on an activity
  6. 13. a person working for wages or salary
  7. 14. kind and pleasant
  8. 15. a task or piece of work assigned to someone
  9. 17. devote to a particular task or purpose
  1. 1. a good quality or attribute
  2. 3. a piece of work to be done or undertaken
  3. 4. have difficulty handling or coping with
  4. 5. a vigorous or determined attempt
  5. 7. a paid position of regular employment
  6. 9. prove testing to
  7. 10. a person with whom one works
  8. 11. providing satisfaction
  9. 12. a person who is in charge or a worker
  10. 16. devoted to a task or purpose
  11. 18. give work to someone and pay them for it