Adel nevus vols

  1. 1. i hate them
  2. 3. special occasion today?
  3. 5. i love to wear these so much
  4. 7. me andhi with them
  5. 11. my love language
  6. 12. best month of 2022
  7. 14. word i use when i laugh
  8. 15. Most hottest girl
  9. 16. fav song
  10. 18. how many months?
  11. 19. when did u proposed
  12. 20. my boyfriends loves those
  1. 2. only trusted person
  2. 4. word that i use the most
  3. 5. The person i love
  4. 6. i love to eat in every mood
  5. 8. my bf's love language
  6. 9. fav movie
  7. 10. pyaar in english
  8. 11. you after seeing me
  9. 13. fav colour
  10. 17. 1 year has how many _____