
  1. 5. Not special
  2. 7. It's English for "begeistert, aufgeregt"
  3. 9. Great
  4. 12. Unusual, not normal
  5. 13. Very big
  6. 14. Very small
  7. 15. It's English for "modisch"
  8. 19. Having a lot of money
  9. 21. New
  10. 22. It's English for "very pretty"
  11. 26. It's English for "überrascht"
  12. 28. It's English for "unmöglich"
  13. 29. Something that costs a lot is...
  14. 31. It's English for "bequem"
  15. 32. It's English for "traditionell"
  1. 1. Not loud
  2. 2. It's English for "stark"
  3. 3. It's English for "beunruhigt, besorgt"
  4. 4. Something that doesn’t cost much is...
  5. 6. The best that can be
  6. 8. It's English for "verlegen"
  7. 10. Another word for happy
  8. 11. Looking nice
  9. 12. It's English for "erfolgreich"
  10. 13. Good for your health
  11. 16. It's English for "aufgeregt, nervös"
  12. 17. Not interesting
  13. 18. It's English for "verärgert, böse"
  14. 20. It's English for "gefährlich"
  15. 23. Another word for difficult is...
  16. 24. It's English for "tapfer, mutig"
  17. 25. It's English for "spannend"
  18. 27. It's English for "enttäuscht"
  19. 30. Not new