Adjectives to describe Chindogu

  1. 4. He is a (criminal) man, he stole a lot of money.
  2. 5. I always buy (ecològica) meat
  3. 7. It is (factible) to buy a electric skate
  4. 13. Alexia Putellas is an (increïble) player.
  5. 14. You are so (avorrit).
  6. 15. My fridge is super energy-(eficàs)
  1. 1. She is such a (excel·lent)student.
  2. 2. Glass is too (fràgil)
  3. 3. Ferrari is a very (cara) brand.
  4. 6. Albert Einstein was so (intel·ligent).
  5. 8. This is the most (extraordinària) thing I've ever seen.
  6. 9. My bed is so (còmode). It’s like a cloud.
  7. 10. She is so (creativa)! She can make what she wants with a few lego pieces
  8. 11. He is (boig)! He says that he wants to jump off a bridge!
  9. 12. It’s (pràctic) to have a microwave at home.