Administrative laws

  1. 2. when you buy a vehicle the certificate of __ says you own it
  2. 4. take away license for less than 365 days
  3. 6. This means you must agree to take a _____ alcohol concentration test if requested by a police officer
  4. 9. each state gives three tests vision road and
  5. 10. not paying ___ was a factor in 50% collisions
  6. 11. must be rewnewed every year
  7. 14. driving is not a right it is a
  8. 16. a responsiblity of owning a car is protecting it with
  1. 1. ____ and wanton are key legal terms in a reckless driving
  2. 3. ____ system assigned for driving violations
  3. 5. 41 percent of deaths where related to alcohol crashes
  4. 6. legally drunk if ___ Is .8
  5. 7. this behavior threatens safety of others and is a moving violation aggressive.
  6. 8. states have the power to take ____ from you
  7. 10. 1-122 licensed drivers is ___ for under the influence
  8. 12. take away license for a year or more
  9. 13. minesota requires ____ insurance on vehicles
  10. 15. _____ can be tested by breath urine or blood