- 3. We hide this object on the tree each Christmas, and it usually ends with someone in tears.
- 5. Your gay, black brother-in-law.
- 9. A slightly less medical term for “tranquilizer,” per Sarah Higgins.
- 12. ______, Mickey Mouse and Goofy. They starred in a movie.
- 14. Before Calumet, we grew up on _______ Court.
- 16. Your 6th grade boyfriend.
- 18. *at the Wendy’s drive through* “Yaaaaaaaaahhh…. do you ___ that?”
- 20. Genesis, Exodus, _______, Numbers.
- 21. to the little Chinese babies who make your clothes in the ______ factory.
- 22. Your gay friend who works at San Miguels.
- 1. The man who worked at Disney World’s Space Mountain.
- 2. Your gay cousin.
- 4. Womanly Always, Discouraged Never. The organization that made us double sisters.
- 5. Reese Miller. Is _______ in class.
- 6. Nickname for girl in the Tik Tok couple where he says, “_____ looks absolutely fire today.”
- 7. Mexico’s most successful model, AKA your soon-to-be sister-in-law.
- 8. The sport you played senior year of high school.
- 10. Your gay news caster friend from North Dakota.
- 11. Bryson’s other name.
- 13. Your gay unofficial cousin, AKA Mindy’s son.
- 15. Your gay news caster ex-friend from Savannah.
- 17. Sarah told the cops that Tuck was her _____ ______ dog.
- 19. We stayed at the Christmas light show so long I got ___ ________.