Aerobic Cellular Respiration

  1. 3. Molecule broken down by cellular respiration
  2. 4. Addition of a phosphate group to a molecule
  3. 6. A byproduct of aerobic cellular respiration
  4. 8. Number of turns of the Krebs cycle for each glucose molecule
  5. 11. Folds of the inner mitochondrial membrane
  6. 12. The process by which cells make ATP by breaking down organic compounds
  7. 15. Electron carrier produced by both glycolysis and the Krebs cycle
  8. 17. Last step in aerobic cellular respiration and producer of most ATP
  1. 1. ATP______ - Protein in ETC that acts as a H+ ion channel
  2. 2. First step in cellular respiration
  3. 5. Losing electrons
  4. 6. Site of glycolysis
  5. 7. Gaining electrons
  6. 9. The final electron acceptor at the end of the ETC
  7. 10. Site of the Krebs cycle
  8. 13. Product of glycolysis that moves into the mitochondria
  9. 14. Number of carbon atoms in one pyruvate molecule
  10. 16. Energy currency produced by cellular respiration