Aerobic Exercise

  1. 4. Training: work/exercise is followed by rest
  2. 7. Glycolytic System: No oxygen is required and Lactic acid is produced
  3. 13. the ability to work for prolonged periods of time and the ability to resist fatigue
  4. 14. Equivalent: unit use to quantify energy expenditure
  5. 16. Fibers: fast contractile response and recruited for activities requiring power
  6. 17. Activity: Walking faster than 3.5mph, swimming laps, jogging, running at 5.0mph, shoveling snow
  7. 18. Principle: the loss of effects of training when ceasing an fitness program
  8. 19. provides stimulus for improving cardiorespiratory fitness
  9. 20. Period: the purpose is to enhance the adjustments needed to be made prior to physical activity
  10. 23. Percentage of work output/work input
  11. 24. typically time is the initial focus, followed by frequency and then intensity
  12. 25. generally 3 - 4 times per week
  13. 28. Period: to enhance recovery periods with oxidation of the metabolic waste and replacement of energy stores
  14. 30. Oxygen Consumption: measure of oxygen consumption by the myocardial muscle
  15. 32. Testing: one principle includes changing the workload by increasing the speed and/or grade of the treadmill
  16. 33. determined by the Overload Principle and Specificity Principle
  17. 34. Oxygen Consumption: a measure of the body's capacity to use oxygen
  1. 1. Training: a series of exercise activities
  2. 2. Activity: 2.0 - 2.9 METs
  3. 3. Formula: used to determine max heart rate
  4. 5. dependent on total work performed, exercise intensity, and fitness level
  5. 6. any planned and structured physical activity designed to improve or maintain physical fitness
  6. 8. the ability to perform physical work
  7. 9. Principle: training that improves an individual for a specific task but will not improve in other tasks
  8. 10. Principle: stress placed on an organism that is greater than it is accustomed
  9. 11. the result of increased efficiency of the cardiovascular system and active muscles
  10. 12. VO2 max, cardiac output, and muscular strength decrease rapidly
  11. 15. Testing: used to determine cardiovascular fitness in healthy individuals
  12. 21. Exercise Period: training part of a program
  13. 22. Fibers: slow contractile response and have low anaerobic capacity
  14. 26. Angina: due to an underlying cardiac issue this may occur with exercise
  15. 27. Activity: 3.0 - 5.9 METs
  16. 29. Activity: any bodily movement produced by the contraction of skeletal muscles that result in a substantial increase over resting energy expenditure
  17. 31. product of frequency, intensity, and time