Aesir & Vanir

  1. 4. The prophesied end of the world in Norse mythology, where the gods meet their doom.
  2. 7. A group of gods in Norse mythology associated with war, artisanship, wisdom, and death
  3. 8. Norse Allfather
  4. 9. A type of sorcery or witchcraft practiced in Norse society, associated with prophecy and fate.
  1. 1. A group of gods associated with fertility, prosperity, and wealth in Norse mythology.
  2. 2. Goddess of love, beauty, death, and War
  3. 3. A figure in Norse mythology, associated with gold, greed, and corruption, who was the catalyst of the great war between the Aesir and Vanir.
  4. 5. Born of the saliva of two races of gods, this being in Norse mythology was known for his incredible wisdom.
  5. 6. The Norse god of thunder and battle, famous for his mighty hammer Mjölnir.