Africa Notes Quiz

  1. 2. A popular South African city that is located along the Table Mountains
  2. 3. Out of the four coutnires, this one has the highest population
  3. 6. Morocco's capital
  4. 7. One of Kenya's official languages besides English
  5. 8. This country has three main languages which are Arabic, Berber, and English
  6. 9. A place of worship for Muslims
  7. 10. This is a famous type of animal in South Africa called the African _____________
  8. 11. This lake is full of flamingos and is located in Kenya
  9. 14. The main religion of Kenya
  10. 16. Kenya's landscape is mainly dominated by this
  11. 17. The city that the Great Pyramid and the Great Sphinx
  12. 18. This is a popular winter sport in South Africa
  13. 21. This country has three capitals
  1. 1. This is the world's largest tropical lake and is found in Kenya
  2. 4. Capital of Egypt
  3. 5. The Nile ___________ every year and allows plant life to flourish in Egypt.
  4. 8. This is a popular flavor of tea in Morocco
  5. 9. _________ and braai are popular local foods in South Africa
  6. 12. South Africa is nicknamed the "rainbow nation" because of its colorful mix of cultures
  7. 13. Kenya's capital
  8. 15. The Nile is the _______________ river in the world
  9. 19. Egypt's most notable physical feature
  10. 20. Storytelling and this form of art are important to Kenya's culture