African-American Art History: Looking at African Art Through the Lens of African People:

  1. 4. African Art sculpture focused on representing subjects in "the prime of life."
  2. 5. A container for relics.
  3. 6. The study of aesthetic objects and visual expression in historical and stylistic context.
  4. 7. The process in which different cultures become more similar or come together as a result of increased interaction.
  5. 9. Problematic term used to describe non-Western Art from Africa and Oceania.
  6. 10. Universal beauty-based values that are common and transferable from one culture that is very different from another.
  7. 12. African Art sculpture focused on being balanced (most often on a central axis)
  8. 13. African Art sculpture focused on a sense of composure, serenity, and cool dignity.
  9. 17. African Art sculpture focused on visibility of craftsmanship.
  10. 19. African Art sculpture focused on skillful embellishment.Yoruba word for art.
  11. 20. art that does not attempt to represent an accurate depiction but instead uses representational shapes, colours, forms & gestural marks.
  12. 21. African Art sculpture focused on a moderate resemblance to the subject, a balance between the extremes of portraiture and abstraction.
  13. 22. A sculpture created with one block of wood.
  1. 1. genuine understanding, respect, admiration, & desire to learn about another culture and seeks to uplift and empower these communities.
  2. 2. Soft white clay that is an essential ingredient in the manufacture of china and porcelain
  3. 3. Mystical statuettes made by the Kongo people pursues wrongdoers & punishes them.
  4. 7. European Avant-garde art movement influenced by African art and focused on geometrical shapes to show all possible views at once.
  5. 8. Occurs when cultural imagery and materials are exploited or removed from their cultural context used insensitively.
  6. 11. A talisman ritualistic object believed to protect or aid its owner.
  7. 14. The act of wearing masks and costumes to disguise one's identity and participate in performances that often have symbolic meanings.
  8. 15. African Art sculpture focused on a straight, upright posture and self-composure
  9. 16. Sculptures representing twin figures usually after a deceased twin or
  10. 18. African Art sculpture focused on luminosity, the shiny smoothness of a surface & play of light and shadow.