African American Civil Rights Era

  1. 3. Led the early protest of segregation on public buses.
  2. 6. President that sent in the troops to enforce desegregation
  3. 7. Major leader of Civil Rights movement who led nonviolent demonstrations
  4. 9. Site of the Bus Boycott.
  5. 10. Site of Bloody Sunday in which African American protesters were beaten at the bridge
  6. 11. Segregation by tradition or culture.
  7. 12. This was the main right that African Americans were fighting for in the South.
  1. 1. Segregation by Law
  2. 2. Promoted the idea of Black Nationalism
  3. 4. This was the goal of the non-violent African American protests
  4. 5. Protests at lunch counters in which protesters stayed seated despite the segregation
  5. 7. 9 students were sent to school with whites
  6. 8. The ugly murder of a boy which sparked a national Civil Rights movement
  7. 9. Lawyer for the NAACP that won the Brown v Board case
  8. 10. Organization that promoted non-violence as a means to protest segregation in the South