African Civilization: Meroe, Mali, Axum, Bantu

  1. 5. Axum's economic foundation was primarily because of this sector.
  2. 7. Mali often traded its gold for ________.
  3. 9. Mali made much of its wealth from _______.
  4. 13. Bantu people had 400 distinct __________
  5. 14. Bantu brought new ___________ to people with little immunity
  6. 15. They used this technique to grow food and depended slowly on rainfall not irrigation.
  7. 16. Traded to east and west by means of _______ caravans
  1. 1. The Meroe civilization provided a paid _______ to the ruler
  2. 2. Axum's major source of state revenue.
  3. 3. Axum farming technique.
  4. 4. A craft specialization practiced by the Meroe civilization
  5. 6. Salt was used to preserve ________.
  6. 8. Ruled by an all-powerful sacred monarch (usually a female)
  7. 10. Axum used this seaway to trade goods.
  8. 11. A wealthy kingdom that developed in what is today Ghana
  9. 12. The famous ruler of Mali.