African crosswords Jaleese Davis

  1. 1. UNITAF
  2. 4. LRA
  3. 5. First Africa war
  4. 7. PDRE
  5. 8. NRA
  6. 10. EPLF
  7. 12. Death of hundreds of thousands due to famine from 1977 to 1978.
  8. 15. Political, economic and ethnic conflict due to feelings of being unable to coexist
  9. 18. UNLA
  10. 19. 1985 fundraiser in response to widespread famine
  11. 21. Authoritarian and corrupt leader who led to the rise of 1991 solomi civil war
  12. 23. Ethiopian Red Terror
  13. 24. Killed 500,000 to 800,000 people
  14. 25. Extremist group
  15. 26. Helped civilians affected by conflict
  1. 2. War started by Eritrean Separatists to gain freedom
  2. 3. non-governmental organization
  3. 6. War originated by Said Barre
  4. 9. The rise of Marxist Leninist military dictatorship
  5. 11. Kenyan troops in Somalia to fight al-shabaab
  6. 13. TPLF
  7. 14. Imposed by Nigerian government, caused 3 million to die of starvation
  8. 16. War that started due to feeling threatened by the Somali invasion
  9. 17. Ruler of Uganda as a military dictator, one of the most brutal dictators in the world.
  10. 20. the banning of western culture using violence
  11. 22. diamonds, Diamonds minded in war zone and sold to fun conflict.