African Ethnic Groups

  1. 3. Belief that all plants & animals, along with humans, have souls
  2. 4. Gift summoned by a priest for the Ashanti king
  3. 7. simple way to say the godly trio of Ashanti, Onyame, Nyankopon and Odomankoma
  4. 9. a group of people who share a common belief
  5. 10. Followers are Christians, one of the most popular religions today
  6. 12. Evil Swahili Spirit that takes control of people and makes them do bad stuff
  1. 1. a group of people who share a common culture
  2. 2. This ethnic group is most commonly known in SW Asia, one of the oldest groups
  3. 5. Name means "coastal dweller"
  4. 6. African ethnic group that most African languages are based off of
  5. 8. This group delivered a gift from a priest, very common in Ivory Coast & Ghana
  6. 11. Followers are Muslims, believe in the Five Pillars of Faith which are Faith, Prayer, Giving, Fasting, and Pilgrimage