African Trade Kingdoms

  1. 2. Iron workers and farmers before Ghana
  2. 5. Resource from west Africa, used by Ghana
  3. 6. Kingdom that took over the Kush, their capital is the same name
  4. 7. West Africans trade kingdom, after Ghana
  5. 9. The religion that Mansa Musa converted Mali to
  6. 11. The river that Ghana, Mali, and Songhai were founded on
  7. 12. the river that Egypt, Kush, east Africa were founded on
  8. 14. Cities like Mogadishu and Mombasa along the eastern coastline
  9. 15. resource from the Sahara, used by Ghana
  10. 16. Mansa Musa Built hundreds of these throughout mali
  11. 18. Mali's greatest king
  12. 19. Mansa Musa took 60,000 people with him on this
  13. 20. Resource made from elephant tusks
  1. 1. This trade dealt in human lives
  2. 3. Egyptian and Nubian blended culture
  3. 4. Ghana Capital before Mali
  4. 8. Originally, his name was Muhammed Touré
  5. 10. Sea traders from Somalia
  6. 13. Important Muslim city in Mali
  7. 17. Trade kingdom that came after Mali