African Wars crossword- Derek Riddick

  1. 1. A significant conflict that left a lasting impact on the history, politics, and society of Nigeria
  2. 4. Perpetrators of violence in the African great lake's region
  3. 6. Leader of the independence movement from the east part of Nigeria
  4. 7. An armed uprising against Obote
  5. 9. The nickname for the trades in warzones throughout Africa
  6. 12. Ugandan Libyan-Palestinian force was defeated by Tanzanian and Ugandan
  7. 14. Leader of the Nigerian forces
  8. 17. The people of southeastern Nigeria
  9. 20. was a significant figure in Ethiopian history. His reign, marked by modernization efforts and attempts to strengthen thecountry's centralized government, faced growing challenges, including political dissatisfaction, crop failures, and famines.
  10. 24. The overthrowing of Patrice Lumumba and the addition of a dictator.
  11. 25. National resistance army under leadership of Yoweri Museveni
  1. 2. protracted conflict lasting nearly three decades,
  2. 3. was a dominant force in the civil war
  3. 5. Agreement that ended the war
  4. 8. imposed by the Nigerian government resulted in severe food shortages and famine in Biafra, leading to the deaths of an estimated one to three million people, mainly due to starvation and disease.
  5. 10. Imposed by the Nigerian government resulted in severe food shortages and famine in Biafra, leading to the deaths of an estimated one to three million people, mainly due to starvation and disease.
  6. 11. Led the NRA and ran against Obote in the post-war election.
  7. 13. The EPLF played a crucial role in the Eritrean War of Independence, ultimately leading to Eritrea's independence in 1993.
  8. 15. Non-governmental organizations
  9. 16. Provided critical medical assistance to civilians affected by the conflict
  10. 18. Between 500,000 and 800,000 people were killed of the Tutsi minority ethnic group.
  11. 19. was a pivotal and tumultuous period in Ethiopia's history, reshaping its political landscape and social fabric.
  12. 21. Led the Lord’s Resistance Army
  13. 22. overthrowing Emperor Haile Selassie and assuming control of the government.
  14. 23. Nigerians from northern Nigeria