Africa's Geography and Ethnic groups

  1. 6. A very oil polluted river that runs through Nigeria.
  2. 7. The areas where two plate tectonics meets and causes lots of earthquakes.
  3. 8. The transition between the desert and savanna The large grassland that covers most of Africa
  4. 10. An ethnic group found in Northern Africa
  5. 11. A vegatative area of Africa that contains the congo river.
  6. 12. An ethnic groups whos language has spread across africa and has became a root in many languages.
  7. 13. The desert that runs through Southern Africa.
  1. 1. The worlds largest non polar desert
  2. 2. Ethnic group that lives on the East coast of Africa.
  3. 3. Africa's largest lake
  4. 4. A river that is very deep and runs across the rainforest region of Africa.
  5. 5. The sea mosts Arabs live along
  6. 6. The worlds longest river.
  7. 9. A trade barrier in northern africa.
  8. 13. The worlds second tallest mountain