After WW2

  1. 4. _____ Seal
  2. 8. month that WW2 ended
  3. 12. The rise of prices after the war
  4. 14. The first nuke detonation made by Russia
  5. 15. The opposite of Communism
  6. 17. ____ 4th, Nato formed
  7. 18. A time where many babys were made
  8. 19. Below North Korea
  9. 20. A pact made by Soviets to stop Democarcy that contained 8 Countries
  10. 21. A war USA did not need
  11. 23. End of WW2
  12. 24. a war that lasted from 1947 to 1991
  13. 25. Year of the biggest boom
  14. 26. Leader of Canada during WW2 and partly after
  15. 28. When did D-Day happen
  16. 29. What year did WW2 end
  1. 1. A person running from a country
  2. 2. Russian party another name for Russia at that time
  3. 3. Soviet Unions politics
  4. 5. Leader of Italy during WW2
  5. 6. A country ruled by Hitler
  6. 7. A plan in 1947 to help aid countries
  7. 9. Soviet union Leader
  8. 10. Cold war ended year of _____
  9. 11. What year did WW2 start
  10. 13. Many people running from all different countries into Canada
  11. 16. A treaty made to stop communism
  12. 22. What year did the baby boom start
  13. 23. What the Nazis did on May 7 1945
  14. 27. What year did the Berlin wall fall