Age of Discovery

  1. 5. Set up Line of Demarcation
  2. 6. Unproved theory used in the scientific method
  3. 7. telescope In 1668, Issac Newton was the first to put mirrors in this telescope to improve the image seen
  4. 9. First of mankind to see cells and microorganisms
  5. 10. Created two-part naming system for classifying species
  6. 12. Credited with being first to circumnavigate Earth
  7. 14. Published "On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres"
  8. 16. telescope Invention constructed by Galileo Galilei in Italy further proving astronomical theories
  9. 17. Used Tyco Brahe's research to discover the orbits of the plants around the sun and discovered that the planets move in an ellipse
  10. 18. Introduced idea of chemical elements
  11. 19. method Step-by-step process done to prove or further prove a theory
  12. 20. Force discovered by Isaac Newton that pulls objects to Earth's core
  1. 1. Type of mathematics developed by Isaac Newton where calculations through the use of certain scientific notations
  2. 2. Born October 31, 1451, married Felipa Perestrello, and sailed the ocean blue in 1492 in the Santa Maria
  3. 3. Discovered oxygen in 1774
  4. 4. Provided evidence for Copernicus's heliocentric theory through an astronomical observatory in the late 1500s
  5. 8. Englishman who emphasized experimentation and observation and argued that truth is discovered after investigation
  6. 11. Invented geometric and military compass
  7. 13. Person was the first to explain the circulation of blood
  8. 15. Centered around the sun