Age of Exploration (10C) NAME:___________

  1. 2. claimed lands in Canada for France (#7)
  2. 3. 1st European to sail to India (#7)
  3. 5. businesses that made a profit by colonization and trade during the Age of Exploration (#6)
  4. 8. missionaries who spread Catholic faith to the New World (#1)
  5. 9. A technology that Europeans learned from the Arab world; helped ships sail into the winds (#1)
  6. 15. 1st Englishman to circumnavigate the globe (#7)
  7. 16. A maritime technology that helped European mariners by using the stars; borrowed from Islamic world (#1)
  8. 17. a New World crop that changed European lifestyles after 1492 (#3)
  9. 18. the economic policy of Europe's maritime empires; used colonies to profit from natural resources (#6)
  10. 21. the spread of livestock, crops, and disease between the Americas and Afro-Eurasia (#3)
  11. 22. Spanish monarchs who sponsored the voyages of Columbus (#1)
  12. 23. Europeans who came to the Americas; top of the social hierarchy (#5)
  13. 24. Another name for the Western Hemisphere (#3)
  14. 27. (2 words, no space) a significant result of the Columbian Exchange on the Old World (#3)
  15. 28. he was first to get credit for circumnavigating the globe; but he died before returning to Spain! (#7)
  16. 29. he conquered the Inca Empire (#7)
  1. 1. He funded Portuguese explorers, but did not sail himself (#1)
  2. 4. he conquered the Aztec Empire (#7)
  3. 6. a new trade pattern in the Atlantic; slaves, sugar, and manufactured goods (guns) (#6)
  4. 7. a New World crop that became an important food crop in the Eastern Hemisphere after 1492 (#3)
  5. 10. the journey enslaved Africans made to the Americas (#6)
  6. 11. This empire colonized the most territory in Latin America (#2)
  7. 12. a disease that decimated Native Americans (#3)
  8. 13. mixed-race people; European + Indigenous (#5)
  9. 14. His voyages led to permanent contact between Old and New Worlds (#7)
  10. 19. These TWO countries colonized most territory in NORTH America (______&________) (#2)
  11. 20. another term for Native American (#5)
  12. 25. This empire colonized Brazil and shipped the most enslaved Africans to the New World (#2)
  13. 26. a governor of Spanish American colonies (#5)