Age of Exploration

  1. 10. first successful British colony in North America
  2. 12. disease that killed millions of Native Americans (2 Words)
  3. 13. founded New France and Quebec (3 Words)
  4. 15. map maker
  5. 18. swollen bleeding gums due to lack of vitamin C
  6. 19. belief that a nation’s wealth was measured in its gold and silver treasure
  7. 20. tax on imported goods
  8. 21. In the Spanish empire, these were mixed Spanish and Native Americans near the bottom of the colonial class system
  9. 22. English Protestant came to America for freedom
  10. 24. Aztec king kidnapped by the Spanish and eventually killed (2 Words)
  11. 26. discovered the southern tip of Africa and proved ships could reach Asia by
  12. 27. first explorer to circumnavigate the world (2 Words)
  1. 1. land & native slaves given to Spanish rulers
  2. 2. claimed Brazil for Portugal it (3 Words)
  3. 3. People living in America who are originally from Spain
  4. 4. claimed Canada for French (2 Words)
  5. 5. measures angle of sun & stars above horizon
  6. 6. the part of the transatlantic trade network that carried Africans from Africa to the West Indies and North America (2 Words)
  7. 7. Spanish conqueror
  8. 8. First explorer to discover “new land” west of Europe and Africa (2 Words)
  9. 9. Conquered Peru for the Spanish (2 Words)
  10. 11. God, Gold and . . .
  11. 14. Set up a navigation school for Portugal (2 Words)
  12. 16. global exchange of people, plants, technologies, cultures (2 Words)
  13. 17. Spanish explorer who conquered the Aztec Empire in Mexico (2 Words)
  14. 23. to sail around the world
  15. 25. spread Christianity throughout colonies