Age of Exploration Crossword Review

  1. 2. First explorer to discover “new land” west of Europe and Africa (2 Words)
  2. 3. discovered the southern tip of Africa and proved ships could reach Asia by ship
  3. 8. was given credit as the first explorer to circumnavigate the world (2 Words)
  4. 10. people sent to other lands to convert people to Christianity
  5. 11. Spanish Conquerors in the new world
  6. 15. Portuguese king who build a school for navigation (2 words)
  7. 17. a device used to measure the angle of the sun and stars above the horizon
  8. 18. swollen bleeding gums due to lack of vitamin C
  9. 21. Conquered Peru for the Spanish (2 Words)
  1. 1. the exchange of plants, animals, etc between the "New World" and "Old World"
  2. 4. Spanish explorer who conquered the Aztec Empire in Mexico (2 Words)
  3. 5. people born in Spain that moved to the the New World
  4. 6. First successful British colony in North America
  5. 7. the land given to Spanish Rulers
  6. 9. the journey that brought slaves from Africa to the Americas
  7. 12. a tax on goods brought in from another place
  8. 13. a belief that a nation’s real wealth was measured in its gold and silver treasure
  9. 14. Aztec king kidnapped by the Spanish and eventually killed
  10. 15. English people who wanted to practice their version of Christianity freely, settled in Plymouth Rock.
  11. 16. a mapmaker
  12. 19. disease perhaps the greatest weapon of the conquistadors (2 Words)
  13. 20. God, Gold and . . .
  14. 22. sail around the world