
  1. 4. the theory that immediately after a violent programme has been viewed, the viewer is primed to respond aggressively because a network of aggressive memories is retrieved
  2. 5. an almond-shaped mass of nuclei involved in emotional responses that has been shown to be an area of the brain that causes aggression
  3. 9. a set of evolutionary primitive brain structures located on top of the brainstem that is involved in many emotions such as fear, anger and aggression
  4. 12. research - parental modelling
  5. 16. the theory that behaviour is learned through the process of observational learning and that children learn aggression from observing role models whom they then imitate
  6. 17. research - testosterone and aggression
  7. 18. research - deindividuation
  8. 21. research - serotonin and aggression
  1. 1. research - media influence
  2. 2. the theory proposed by Dollar and Miller et al 1939
  3. 3. the tendency to imitate behaviour when one observes that others engaging in that behaviour are rewarded
  4. 6. physical or verbal behaviours that can result in physical and psychological harm to oneself, others or objects in the environment
  5. 7. research - aggressive cues hypothesis
  6. 8. the theory that repeated exposure to violence in the media reduces the emotional impact of the violence because people become 'used to it'
  7. 10. the study of animals in their natural environment
  8. 11. research - cognitive priming
  9. 13. research - aggression and infidelity and jealous
  10. 14. research - dispositional explanation
  11. 15. research - genetic factors
  12. 19. research situational explanation
  13. 20. research - computer games