Agricultural Terms

  1. 4. a system of growing one crop
  2. 6. first crops exported from Jamaica to Britain and later to other countries
  3. 10. raring animals and cultivation of crops
  4. 11. large scale production processing and packaging of food using modern methods and equipment
  5. 12. is the practice of growing a series of different types of crops in the same area
  6. 14. farming done on a small scale where the surplus is sold after the farmer takes out enough for his household
  7. 15. exchange of goods and services
  8. 16. collecting the mature rice crop from the field
  1. 1. is self-sufficiency farming in which the farmers focuses on growing enough food to feed themselves and their families.
  2. 2. plowed land left unseeded in a growing season to pressure nutrients in the soil and increase crop production
  3. 3. adopting wild plants and animals for human use
  4. 5. tilling and preparing the soil or land for the growth of crops
  5. 7. water is channeled from streams on farmlands
  6. 8. rich chemical substance applied to soil to replenish and encourage plant growth
  7. 9. characteristic features of a land surface
  8. 13. a multiple cropping practice involving growing two or more crops