  1. 3. caused fixed roles for men and women and hence prevents subsistence farmers from increasing output
  2. 7. a country which has large scale commercial sugar farming
  3. 11. plants sold for money
  4. 13. farmer selling his/her output to make money
  5. 15. a way to increase food supplies, introduced in India for 5 cereal crops
  6. 17. cause of food shortages and can be caused by leaching of minerals and overgrazing
  7. 19. fertiliser most commonly used in subsistence farming
  8. 20. a system of agricultural improvements made to increase food supplies between 1960 and 1990
  9. 21. land previously used for food production was used to grow crops to create this energy source
  1. 1. name of the severe wind erosion in the high plains and prairies of USA and Canada
  2. 2. physical input that includes temperature, rainfall and sunshine
  3. 4. a type of natural disaster whose torrential winds can destroy crops
  4. 5. meeting the needs of today without harming the needs of the future generation
  5. 6. They destroy crops and and example would be locust swarms
  6. 8. a human input which is the money needed to start a business
  7. 9. system to water crops in intervals and in a controlled manner
  8. 10. he artificial cultivation of crops and the rearing of animals for food and other productsCASHCROPS / plants sold for money
  9. 12. crops grown in in narrowband in a single field and harvested at different times
  10. 14. where only one type of crop is grown in a field repetetively
  11. 16. planting a seed
  12. 18. a type of farming which has a small area of land and high labour input per hectare