- 2. This is the #1 grown crop in Georgia
- 4. This is the #3 GA Commodity
- 6. in agriculture
- 7. This is the #4 GA Commodity
- 9. You use this type of building when growing crops that cannot survive outside
- 13. This symbol signifies leadership and
- 16. This is in the FFA emblem and is the only crop grown in all 50 states
- 1. Best teacher ever
- 3. This item represents the labor and hard working aspects of agriculture.
- 5. This is the #1 GA Commodity
- 8. This is the #5 GA Commodity
- 10. This is the #2 GA Commodity
- 11. the science or practice of farming, including cultivation of the soil for the growing of crops and the rearing of animals to provide food, wool, and other products
- 12. This symbol represents a new day and that the day will be filled with new opportunities
- 14. This symbol represents the nationality and the freedom of agriculture
- 15. This symbol represents