
  1. 3. Crops that can be grown on less fertile,sandy soils
  2. 5. Name of the Arab goat herder who supposedly discovered the coffe plant
  3. 12. The ultimate aim of agricultural development is to increase
  4. 13. Jute is also called
  5. 15. The land on which crops are grown
  1. 1. Country that leads in production of rice
  2. 2. Commercial rearing of silk worms
  3. 4. 'Agri'in Latin translates to
  4. 6. When more than one crop is grown on one peice of land
  5. 7. Type of farming where fodder crops can be grown
  6. 8. Crop that is primarily grown in winter in India
  7. 9. Shifting cultivation in Brazil is known as
  8. 10. Cotton requires _______ temperature
  9. 11. Primary output in viticulture
  10. 14. Type of farming where development of a transport network is necessary