
  1. 4. term for the transformation of raw ingredients into food products through various physical and chemical processes
  2. 9. strategy can farmers use to increase their income and reduce their risks
  3. 14. term used to describe the efforts and practices to prevent soil degradation and maintain soil health for future generations
  4. 16. What farming system involves combining different agricultural practices such as crop cultivation, animal husbandry
  5. 18. farming approach aims to maintain long-term productivity and ecological balance while minimizing negative environmental and societal impacts
  6. 19. What is the practice of growing crops in containers
  7. 23. What is the measurement that indicates the acidity or alkalinity of soil
  8. 24. agricultural practice of growing multiple crops, often of different species
  9. 25. modern industrial method of farming that relies on synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, and other technological interventions
  10. 27. substance controls or eliminates pests, including insects and rodents
  11. 30. common method is used to determine soil’s nutrient and pH levels
  12. 33. term for a repository that stores and preserves seeds for future use
  13. 34. something that is used to protect, contain, and preserve food during transportation and storage
  14. 36. holistic approach to designing and maintaining self-sufficient, productive ecosystems inspired by natural ecosystems and traditional farming practices
  15. 38. a farming technique that involves rotating the type of crops grown in a particular field over different seasons or years
  16. 39. What is the soilless method of growing plants using mineral nutrient solutions in a water solvent called
  17. 40. natural fertilizer made from animal waste and decaying organic matter
  18. 42. substance used to kill insects called
  19. 44. common agricultural practice involving water application to crops
  20. 45. important factor in determining plant growth and productivity
  21. 46. substance used to kill rodents
  22. 48. recommended technique for improving soil health and reducing weed growth in a garden or farm
  23. 50. common practice involving regulating and managing how land is utilized within a specific area
  24. 52. growing practice involves cultivating, processing, and distributing food within urban area
  25. 53. sustainable farming technique that combines aquaculture (raising aquatic animals) and hydroponics
  26. 54. What is the practice of growing crops on the sides of buildings
  27. 56. sustainable way to manage organic waste at home or in the garden
  28. 59. term for a structure designed to trap and retain heat commonly used in plant cultivation
  29. 60. What is the practice of growing crops without human intervention
  30. 67. sustainable method of agriculture that emphasizes using natural fertilizers, biological pest control
  31. 69. determining factor for determining the appropriateness of a piece of land for a specific use or activity
  32. 70. first step in establishing a new farm or garden
  33. 72. a substance used to control or kill unwanted plants
  34. 75. practice of cultivating land, raising animals, and producing crops
  35. 77. farming management strategy uses technology to optimize crop yields,
  36. 78. substance is used to provide plants with essential nutrients for growth
  37. 80. describe the ability of land to support various types of agricultural or non-agricultural activities
  38. 81. farming involves large-scale production for profit and often utilizes modern technologies and management techniques
  39. 82. abbreviation for Integrated Pest Management
  40. 84. describes the industry that involves agricultural production and related business activities
  41. 85. What is a key component of healthy soil that helps improve its fertility and structure
  42. 86. agricultural activity involves gathering crops or plants for food or other uses
  43. 87. term used to describe the process of controlling and developing the use of land resources
  1. 1. cultivation of crops for market sale
  2. 2. term that refers to the complex web of activities and actors involved in producing, distributing, and consuming food
  3. 3. agricultural practice of growing a single crop species in a given area
  4. 4. What is the topic of concern regarding potential hazards and risks related to food handling, preparation, and consumption
  5. 5. arrangement of soil particles and their tendency to clump together called
  6. 6. large-scale, intensive farming practices that use modern technology, machinery, and chemical inputs
  7. 7. concept that refers to the right of people and communities to control their own food systems,
  8. 8. What is a common cause of reduced crop yields in coastal regions and arid climates
  9. 10. practice of growing different crops in the same field
  10. 11. process of deterioration in the quality of land, including soil, water, and vegetation, which can lead to reduced productivity and biodiversity loss
  11. 12. agricultural practice involves the deliberate manipulation of plant genetics to produce desired traits
  12. 13. substance used to kill or prevent the growth of fungi called
  13. 15. the term for farming aquatic plants and animals in a controlled environment
  14. 17. important for maintaining a productive and sustainable agricultural system
  15. 20. pesticide is derived from natural materials and used to control pests while minimizing environmental and human health harm
  16. 21. the process of creating new land by filling or dredging a body of water
  17. 22. What is the practice of growing crops in an arid climate
  18. 23. practice of growing crops for personal consumption
  19. 26. refers to the legal or customary arrangements that determine how land is owned, used, and transferred
  20. 28. field of science that combines biology and technology to develop new methods of improving agricultural practices
  21. 29. term refers to the process of starting and operating a business in the agricultural sector
  22. 31. common problem in households, restaurants, and supermarkets that contributes to environmental and economic issues
  23. 32. type of tourism that combines agricultural activities and environmental conservation
  24. 35. what is the physical composition of soil called
  25. 37. What common issue can arise from the excessive use of heavy machinery on soil
  26. 41. sustainable agricultural approach that emphasizes ecological principles and local knowledge while rejecting the use of synthetic inputs
  27. 43. the practice of growing crops in high-density areas
  28. 47. name given to the significant increase in agricultural production that occurred in the 1960s and 1970s
  29. 49. term for the practice of cultivating plants for food, medicine, and decoration
  30. 51. term used to describe the process of transferring ownership and management of a farm to the next generation of family members
  31. 55. type of tourism involves visiting and staying on farms or agricultural areas
  32. 57. practice of growing crops on a small scale
  33. 58. important factor for plant growth that is determined by the soil's nutrient content and physical properties
  34. 61. term used to describe a type of farming where people grow crops and raise animals mainly to meet the basic needs
  35. 62. term used to describe the condition where all people have access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs
  36. 63. term refers to the variety of life forms on Earth and the ecological roles they perform
  37. 64. farming method that focuses on improving soil health, increasing biodiversity, and sequestering carbon while producing nutritious food
  38. 65. describe the amount of output per unit of land in agricultural production
  39. 66. what is the process by which soil is moved or washed away from its original location
  40. 68. activity that involves putting seeds or young plants into the ground to grow
  41. 71. term for the information provided on a food product's packaging that describes the nutritional content and ingredients
  42. 73. practice of growing crops in low-density areas
  43. 74. sustainable land use system that combines agriculture and forestry practices
  44. 76. term for domesticated animals raised in an agricultural setting for the production of commodities such as meat, milk, and eggs
  45. 79. term for a domesticated, locally adapted plant or animal variety that has developed over time through traditional farming practices
  46. 83. name of the transparent, odorless, tasteless liquid essential for all life on Earth