  1. 3. - an age-old economic activity in our country
  2. 5. - Between Kharif and Rabi seasons , there is a short season during the summer
  3. 6. - Grown in onset of monsoon in different parts of the country and these are harvested in September-October
  4. 9. - Type of Farming practised on small patches and depends upon monsoon
  1. 1. - farming that focuses on producing agricultural products for sale in the market rather than solely for subsistence purposes.
  2. 2. - a farming method that involves the cutting and burning of plants in a forest to create a field
  3. 4. - Sown in winter from october to december and harvested in summer
  4. 7. - Type of Farming practised in areas of high population of pressure on land
  5. 8. - a traditional agricultural technique that involves clearing land of trees and other vegetation, burning it, and then cultivating it for a set number of years