agriculture and land degradation

  1. 3. crops grown in fields with rows or sections of trees, benefits include reduced erosion, increased biodiversity and IPM
  2. 4. a large farm that specializes in the production of one or two crops, often in tropical climates, reduces biodiversity of large areas of habitat
  3. 8. growing several crops on the same plot at the same time, used more often in sustainable farming methods
  4. 9. planting multiple crops at the same time in one plot, or using one plot for multiple crops on an alternating schedule
  5. 13. land suited for agriculture
  6. 14. moving livestock from area to area to graze on plants more natural to their diet, reduces overgrazing and soil compaction
  1. 1. farming to reduce environmental impact, reduced use of chemicals, free range grazing, cover crops, IPM, lower yield but smaller energy footprint
  2. 2. agricultural revolution that increased production through improved machinery, seeds, fertilizers, and irrigation
  3. 5. plants specifically planted to help enrich soil, increase water retention and biodiversity, and reduce pesticide use, not always harvested for profit
  4. 6. plowing of land to prepare for planting or after harvest
  5. 7. farming with the aim of producing as much produce as possible in little space, using fertilizers, pesticides, CAFOS, GMOs, and with a large energy footprint
  6. 10. destruction of vegetation to the point it cannot recover caused by too many grazing animals, damages soil and increases erosion, a form of land degradation
  7. 11. growing a single crop in a field often year after year, a method used in industrial agriculture
  8. 12. farming using very limited synthetic chemicals and few/no GMOs