Agriculture in the Envrionment

  1. 3. medium scale farming system, produce consumed by farmer and immediate family with excess produce sold
  2. 5. rearing domesticated animals that can be used as food and/or useful by-products
  3. 7. chemicals used to enhance agricultural productivity and yield
  4. 9. supply the land or crops wit water for growing purposes by using pipes, sprinklers or streams
  5. 10. planting several crops on the same piece of land
  6. 12. highest scale farming, mainly done for a profit
  7. 13. a ruminant reared in the Caribbean for meat and milk, beef
  1. 1. planting of a single type of crop before growing another
  2. 2. a bird reared in the Caribbean for its meat and eggs
  3. 4. integrates different inputs into a productive system
  4. 6. smallest scale farming system, no agrochemicals
  5. 8. rearing of plants and animals for use and consumption
  6. 11. a ruminant reared in the Caribbean for its meat, mutton
  7. 12. products of the land and its plants used for food and other commercial products