Agriculture terms to know

  1. 2. characteristic of farmers or their way of life
  2. 5. a commercial type of agriculture that produces fattened cattle and hogs for meat
  3. 10. expenditure of much labor and capital on a piece of land to increase its productivity
  4. 11. the cultural landscape of agricultural areas
  5. 13. farm commercial gardening and fruit farming, so named because the word was a middle english word meaning bartering or the exchange of commodities
  6. 17. a second crop is planted after the first has been harvested
  7. 18. the art, science, and practice of studying and managing forests and plantations, and related natural resources
  8. 20. term used to describe large scale farming and ranching operations that employ vast land bases, large mechanized equipment, factory-type labor forces, and the lastest technology
  1. 1. the practice of rotating use different fields from crop to crop each year
  2. 3. the cultivation of domesticated crops and the raising of domesticated animals
  3. 4. regards a system of agricultural organization whereas farm laborers are not compensated via wages
  4. 6. changes made to the environment, the use of pesticides to grow crops and the effects it has on the soil and environment
  5. 7. in american commercial grain agriculture, a farm on which no one lives, planting and harvesting is done by hired migratory crews
  6. 8. means any technological application that uses biological systems, living organisms, or derivatives thereof, to make or modify products or process for specific use
  7. 9. the recent introduction of high-yield hybrid crops and chemical fertilizers and pesticides into traditional Asian agricultural systems, most notably paddy rice farming
  8. 12. the cultivation of aquatic organisms (as shellfish or fish) especially for food
  9. 14. the killing of wild game and the harvesting of wild plants to provide food in traditional cultures
  10. 15. a factory like a farm devoted to either livestock fattening or dairying, all feed is imported and no crops are grown on the farm
  11. 16. use of little labor and capital to increase agricultural productivity
  12. 19. the feeding relationships between a species in biotic community
  13. 21. highly mechanized, large-scale farming, usually under corporate ownership