Agriculture Vocabulary

  1. 1. The first cash crop of South Carolina.
  2. 3. The lack or scarcity of water.
  3. 4. The animals raised on a farm for human use or consumption.
  4. 8. The growing of food for sale.
  5. 10. The way in which cranberries are harvested.
  6. 11. The lack or extreme scarcity of food.
  7. 12. The use of other businesses in the food industry.
  8. 15. The science of growing plants (Fruits and Flowers)
  1. 2. The science of farming.
  2. 5. _________ Company was founded in 1606.
  3. 6. Concerts gave funds to Africa
  4. 7. These farms are close to the urban areas.
  5. 9. ________ and Burn farming.
  6. 13. The growing of food for the family.
  7. 14. The device used to knock the cranberry from the bush.