  1. 4. This nursing theorist developed the Environmental Theory focusing on the patient’s environment.
  2. 5. The ability to understand and share the feelings of another.
  3. 8. A critical skill in nursing involving accurate and thorough documentation.
  4. 10. The professional organization that sets standards for nursing education and practice.
  5. 11. The foundation of nursing care, often involving providing comfort and support.
  6. 12. The study and understanding of the social aspects of health and illness.
  7. 14. The type of care that focuses on relieving symptoms rather than curing the disease.
  8. 15. The process of drawing conclusions from gathered data to make clinical decisions.
  9. 17. A method used to assess a patient’s overall health and well-being.
  10. 18. A nursing theory emphasizing the importance of meeting a patient’s self-care needs.
  11. 19. The ethical principle that prioritizes doing good for the patient.
  12. 20. The legal term for unauthorized disclosure of patient information.
  1. 1. The process of developing a plan of action to address a patient’s needs.
  2. 2. A model that outlines the stages a person goes through when faced with illness or trauma.
  3. 3. The process of building a connection and rapport with a patient.
  4. 6. A method of communication using touch to provide comfort and support.
  5. 7. A nursing theory proposing that humans are adaptive systems constantly interacting with their environment.
  6. 9. The practice of ensuring patient safety by correctly administering medications.
  7. 13. A nursing theory focused on the concept of caring and nurturing relationships between nurse and patient.
  8. 16. A set of moral principles guiding decision-making in nursing practice.