ahps 7.1

  1. 3. _______, produced 80.2% of fish for human consumption in 2010.
  2. 4. in intensive systems, establishment costs/feed source costs/monitoring of water quality/operating costs/technology/control are _____ compared to extensive systems, but production is also ______.
  3. 10. the biggest region of growth in Australian aquaculture is in the farming of _____________ (eg atlantic salmon) – 37% of value, whereas there has been a decrease in pearl oyster and tuna production (southern bluefin tuna still 18% of value).
  4. 11. aquaculture in northern coast of NT, QLD and WA : pearl oysters, ____________ and prawns (NT and QLD)
  5. 14. mussels and scallops are farmed off the western/southwestern coast of this Australian state (see slide 19).
  6. 17. barramundi are farmed off the coast of almost every state in Australia (except Tassie)
  7. 19. establishment costs/technology/control/operating costs/stocking rate/production costs for extensive production is ____ compared to intensive aquaculture, but production is also relatively low. Tend to work best in asian countries – source of seed stock from wild, feed source comes from the natural ecosystem, no monitoring of water quality.
  8. 22. total value of Australian aquaculture in 2008-2009 was $861 _______. 37% due to salmonoid production.
  9. 23. the value of Australian WILD catch is in _______, particularly prawns and tuna. Australian AQUACULTURE has remained fairly steady (major growth in industry is in overseas countries).
  10. 26. life cycle of diadromous fish: broodstock > lay eggs (in freshwater) > alevin > ____ > parr > smolt (switches to salt water) > grown out and harvested or selected to be used as broodstock.
  11. 27. marine fish are much less popular to farm compared with freshwater and diadromous species. They are farmed in hundred ___________ as opposed to millions of tonnes. Include mackerals and seabream.
  12. 29. in extensive aquaculture systems, the source of the seed stock comes from the _____, as opposed to intensive systems that buy in domesticated seed stock (except for southern bluefin tuna).
  1. 1. ______ produces 89% of the world aquaculture production by volume in 2010.
  2. 2. salmon, along with oysters and abalone, are farmed in this state of Australia.
  3. 5. aquaculture is a fast ________ industry driven by population growth, changing demographics (developing asian middle class) and the need for sustainable fish production.
  4. 6. in 1970, aquaculture produced 3.9% of fish/mollusc/crustacean production by weight, this has increased to 47% in 2010 (47% of fish produced for _______ consumption). __________s are also starting to eat more fish per individual (1.1kg in 1980 to 8.7kg in 2010) per annum.
  5. 7. _____________ species, especially carp, are the most abundantly farmed in the world (millions of tonnes per annum). Especially farmed in asian countries. Silver and bighead carp most popular.
  6. 8. there has been a shift in production of ___________ from pearl _________ to edible ________. Now edible ones on par with pearl ones – production is 12% and 11% of total aust aquaculture value respectively.
  7. 9. ¬¬¬_______ fin tuna are not farmed, southern bluefin tuna are (southern coast of south Australia – along with oysters, abalone, barra, and yellow kingfish)
  8. 12. ________ __________ is the most popularly farmed diadromous fish species.
  9. 13. _____________ species (both fresh/salt water) are farmed less commonly than freshwater (worldwide) and more commonly than exclusively salt water fish (around and under 1 million tonnes per annum). Atlantic salmon and milkfish most popular.
  10. 15. aquaculture can be ____________, semi-intensive and intensive. Can be closed, semi-open or open.
  11. 16. this gastropod mollusc is farmed off the southern coast of SA/ VIC/around TAS. Recent outbreaks in viral disease have been devastating.
  12. 18. the life cycle of a diadromous fish – spends _______-eighteen months in saltwater (smolt-adult), same time in freshwater (developing young).
  13. 20. capture fishing has reached a ___________ in recent decades due to the realisation that unsustainable fishing practices cause collapse of wild stocks.
  14. 21. the aquaculture industry is growing by 6.6% per year, as opposed to capture (wild caught) fisheries at 1.2% and terrestirial farmed ____-production systems at 2.8%. continues to grow more rapidly than all other animal food-producing sectors.
  15. 24. very popular type of freshwater fish to farm in asian countries (especially china).
  16. 25. _______ are farmed in VIC and NSW along with silver perch and murray cod.
  17. 28. the name of for a diadromous species of fish that is at an age where it is physiologically adapted enough to switch from freshwater to salt water.