Aidan's Argumentation Challenge

  1. 5. Never ever ever ever give up!
  2. 6. “I have a dream that… I have a dream that one day… I have a dream that my..”
  3. 9. If you give a donation, you can save another hungry animal.
  4. 12. Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get.
  5. 13. A balance occurring in multiple sentences with similar phrases
  6. 14. The process of reasoning from multiple statements to reach a conclusion
  7. 15. The test, covering the entire course, was lengthy and difficult.
  8. 16. A short reflection of an incident that illustrates a point
  9. 17. “We shall not wait any longer, action and change come now!”
  10. 19. The choice of words and vocal expression of the author
  11. 20. “According to NASA, fifty percent of their projects focus on benefiting Earth.”
  1. 1. The same phrase is repeated in the sentence, but the words are reversed
  2. 2. A noun or phrase that redefines another noun or phrase in the sentence
  3. 3. Creating basic generalizations based on specific results
  4. 4. The repetition of words at the end of phrases and clauses
  5. 7. “The greatest teacher, failure is.”
  6. 8. “Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering.”
  7. 10. References places, people, objects, and events for context
  8. 11. The sand swayed swiftly at the silent beach.
  9. 18. Appealing to the sense of trust and one’s credibility