Aiming high

  1. 3. Showing that you are excited about something
  2. 5. A word for speaking, listening, writing...
  3. 6. Without this skill, you will never be ready
  4. 10. A document that school writes about you
  5. 11. Never giving up
  6. 12. When you finish university with a qualification
  7. 15. Looking back and thinking about how it went
  8. 18. Never giving up
  9. 20. Something you do to prepare for exams
  1. 1. When you work together to achieve something
  2. 2. Knowing what you want for the future
  3. 4. Something that is hard to do
  4. 5. Anything that moves you forwards
  5. 7. Being patient when someone is annoying you
  6. 8. Believing in something
  7. 9. When you feel compelled to do something new
  8. 13. Something you achieve at university
  9. 14. When you join things together
  10. 16. When a group of people share a job
  11. 17. Something we like but can't always have in school
  12. 19. When you show someone you understand their pain