Ainsworth's Strange Situation

  1. 3. A baby who shows little to no separation or stranger anxiety is categorised as insecure ___.
  2. 5. Who created the strange situation procedure?
  3. 6. about 60-75% of British toddlers are classified as ___
  4. 8. What is the key term for when a child wants to stay near their caregiver?
  5. 9. Ainsworth looked at particular behaviours to assess the ___ of a child's attachment
  6. 10. How many episodes were there in the strange situation?
  1. 1. One type of anxiety is stranger anxiety. Which is the other?
  2. 2. In which country did Ainsworth study attachment in 1967 which influenced her to create her 1969 study?
  3. 4. how long did each episode of the strange situation last?
  4. 7. A baby who shows separation anxiety but resists comfort on reunion is categorised as insecure ___.