Air and the respiratory system

  1. 3. Is a process by which air enters and leaves our body.
  2. 9. Oxygen is also found in _____. Living things that live in the ground are able to use this oxygen.
  3. 13. About 21% of air is made up of _____.
  4. 14. The number of times we breathe in one minute is our _____ rate.
  5. 16. The _____ help the body to take in oxygen and remove carbon dioxide.
  6. 17. _____ like frogs breathe through their lungs and moist skin
  7. 21. When there is light, plants use carbon dioxide and water to make food by a process called _____.
  8. 23. In most plants, stomata are found mainly on the underside of leaves.
  9. 24. The carbon dioxide is _____ from the body when we breathe out.
  10. 25. _____ have breathing holes in their bodies to take in air.
  11. 26. Living things are able to _____ on the Earth because there is air around them.
  12. 27. When there is no _____, plants do not make food.
  13. 28. The diver is able to _____ underwater with the help of an air tank.
  1. 1. When we exercise, our breathing rate increases.
  2. 2. _____ breathe through their moist skin.
  3. 4. About 78% of air is made up of _____.
  4. 5. _____ like whales and dolphins have lungs like us but they live in water all the time.
  5. 6. Fish take in oxygen in the water using their _____.
  6. 7. When we breathe in, air enters the body through the _____.
  7. 8. The air travels between the nose and the air tubes through the _____.
  8. 10. The _____ in the nostrils remove dust from the air we breathe in.
  9. 11. Oxygen in air is needed by living things to stay _____.
  10. 12. The water vapour becomes water droplets and forms a _____ when the surroundings are cold.
  11. 15. Air contains different types of _____.
  12. 18. The _____ transports the oxygen to all parts of the body.
  13. 19. There is water vapour in the air which we breathe _____.
  14. 20. Living things that live in water take in oxygen that is _____ in water.
  15. 22. In plants, the exchange of gases with the surroundings takes place through _____ openings found on leaves.