Air Travel

  1. 3. counter the place where you go when you arrive at the airport with your luggage
  2. 6. an area where you get your luggage
  3. 8. the place above your head where you can store luggage you took on the plane
  4. 11. to come down to the ground from air
  5. 13. height
  6. 14. taxes, or duties, that you sometimes have to pay when you import goods from another country
  7. 15. a continuous moving strip for transporting objects from one part of a building to another:
  8. 16. a small bag that you can bring on the plane
  9. 18. a card given to you with the seat number on it
  10. 20. To rise into the air or begin flight
  1. 1. a person who takes care of your safety and comfort on the plane
  2. 2. to put away
  3. 4. verb describing the plane moving slowly
  4. 5. a person hired to carry baggage
  5. 7. the part of the airport where the plane accelerates and takes off
  6. 9. passageway between rows of seats
  7. 10. A device that senses the presence of metal
  8. 12. verb for getting on the plane
  9. 17. an important identification to bring when you are travelling
  10. 19. a person who flies an airplane