Airfield Management Block I

  1. 2. serves as the Airfield Manager’s (AFM) representative during emergency response situations and during non-duty hours
  2. 4. promotes compatible land use through participation in local, regional, state, and federal land use planning control and coordination processes
  3. 6. normally the highest ranked enlisted person assigned to each career field
  4. 10. aircraft are designed primarily to secure control of essential airspace by destroying enemy aircraft in combat
  5. 11. reduction is accomplished by restricting airfield or aircraft operations
  6. 17. Units, at and above the squadron level, with an explosives, missile, or nuclear mission must have a (blank) safety program
  7. 18. develops, implements, and manages the Airfield Management training program
  8. 19. is a violation caused by an aircraft, vehicle, or pedestrian proceeding onto a runway or ATC controlled taxiway without specific approval from the control tower
  9. 20. Hazard Working Group (BHWG) normally consists of representatives from Flight Safety, Airfield Management, Air Traffic Control, Civil Engineering, aircraft maintenance, Public Affairs and the legal office
  10. 21. conditions are when bird/wildlife concentrations exist near the active runway representing an increased potential for strikes
  11. 23. reduces the vulnerability of Air Force missions by eliminating or reducing successful adversary collection and exploitation of critical information
  12. 25. of Competency, AF Form 483, will be issued when the required training is completed
  13. 28. program is a year-round program with the purpose of reducing aircraft strikes with birds and other wildlife
  14. 31. Commander Appoint a primary and alternate Airfield Driving Program Manager (ADPM) in writing
  15. 32. Commander’s central agency for command and control and is the focal point for all installation activities
  16. 33. (blank) Flight oversees cleanup of hazardous waste sites, assists the base commander with environmental law compliance, and manages pollution prevention programs
  17. 36. observes, records, and disseminates weather information for the installation
  18. 38. is a violation caused by the incorrect presence of an aircraft, vehicle, or pedestrian on the runway
  19. 40. personnel have a responsibility for identifying and disarming or destroying every type of munition
  20. 41. aircraft are designed to directly attack enemy ground forces
  21. 42. controls and regulates en-route and terminal air traffic
  22. 43. conditions exist when bird/wildlife activity on or above the active runway pose a high potential for strikes
  23. 45. responsible for establishing performance standards, procedures, and work priorities for personnel in the AMOPS section
  1. 1. is an unclassified notice or advisory distributed by means of telecommunication
  2. 3. is similar to aircraft maintenance except they deal primarily with transient aircraft
  3. 5. can range from 300 to 3000 Mega Hertz (MHz) and is most commonly used by the military
  4. 7. (blank) Safety maintains control over Hazardous Air Traffic Reporting (HATR) and High Accident Potential (HAP) programs
  5. 8. will develop an Airfield Driving Instruction (ADI) to be approved and implemented by the Installation Commander
  6. 9. the single point of access for installation geospatial information providing visualization, mapping, analysis, and integration into any operational process
  7. 12. (blank) Flight is responsible for all activities required to operate, maintain, repair, and construct installation real property
  8. 13. If you need to leave a vehicle (blank) on the airfield; park the vehicle so that it does not interfere with aircraft being taxied or towed
  9. 14. will be documented on the local Airfield Discrepancy Log and the AF Form 3616, Daily Events Log
  10. 15. landing occurs when a civil aircraft operator lands at a USAF installation without prior authorization
  11. 16. Mission Identifies the primary function and capability of an aircraft
  12. 22. (blank) Flight designs and produces the documents that will become construction projects
  13. 24. Noise producing devices, which are effective in wildlife dispersal
  14. 26. aircraft are designed primarily for the carriage of personnel and/or cargo
  15. 27. unauthorized landing is one where the aircraft operator, either with or without knowledge of the provisions of AFI 10-1001, Civil Aircraft Landing Permits, files a flight plan to, and lands at, a USAF installation without obtaining prior approval
  16. 28. aircraft are designed for long range strike missions against strategic targets
  17. 29. NOTAM disseminates safety related information that is critical for safety of flight, such as: aerodrome closures, runway closures, or changes in NAVAID availability
  18. 30. Forces perform customs inspection on aircraft arriving from locations outside the U.S. at some bases
  19. 34. conditions are when bird/wildlife activity on and above the airfield represent a low potential for strikes
  20. 35. focal point for aircraft maintenance personnel who service base assigned aircraft
  21. 37. (blank) Safety is responsible for traffic safety, and sports & recreation mishap prevention
  22. 39. NOTAM information is administrative in nature, and does not affect the safety of flight operations
  23. 44. plows are also known as “rotaries” or “snow blowers.”