Airflow of the Respiratory System

  1. 2. this capacity is the air that stays in the lungs after maximum expiration
  2. 3. this capacity is the air breathed in during maximum inspiration
  3. 6. the type of airflow when resistance is low
  4. 9. the type of airflow when resistance is high
  5. 12. this capacity is the air breathed out during maximum expiration
  6. 13. this volume is what we breath in and out during restful breathing
  7. 15. the gradient that air flows down
  8. 17. this body cavity contains the respiratory organs and muscles
  9. 19. these lung parameters depend on time
  10. 21. this volume is the maximum below tidal volume
  1. 1. the muscle located between the thoracic and abdominal cavities that is involved in breathing
  2. 4. a measure of the difficulty of airflow affected by airway dimensions, air density, and type of airflow
  3. 5. this cavity contains these muscles that are involved in forced expiration
  4. 7. these lung parameters don't depend on time
  5. 8. this volume is the maximum above tidal volume
  6. 10. this volume stays in the lungs after expiration
  7. 11. this capacity is the complete amount of air that the lungs can hold
  8. 14. the movement of air out of the lungs
  9. 16. this capacity is the maximum amount of air that can be breathed in and out
  10. 18. the measurement of airflow and changes in lung volume
  11. 20. the movement of air into the lungs