Airflow through the respiratory tract

  1. 3. volume of lungs that is always present, even after full expiration
  2. 5. method of air transfer that occurs in alveoli, occurs over short distances
  3. 9. regions of bronchi with smaller diameters
  4. 11. substance produced by the respiratory epithelium
  5. 12. type of airflow in which resistance is higher
  6. 14. uppermost region of the lower respiratory tract, consists of lots of cartilage
  7. 15. contains the vocal chords
  8. 16. cavity through which air enters and turbulent flow occurs
  9. 20. respiratory muscle controlled by the phrenic nerve
  1. 1. site of gas exchange
  2. 2. law that states that pressure and volume are inversely related to each other
  3. 4. lung parameters that depend on time
  4. 6. hair-like structures on surface of epithelium that function to trap pathogens and prevent them from entering the respiratory tract
  5. 7. branches that trachea split off into
  6. 8. volume of air we normally breathe in and out, without force
  7. 10. type of muscles that lines most of the respiratory tract
  8. 13. oral and nasal cavities combine here, allows food and air to pass
  9. 17. more controlled type of airflow
  10. 18. respiratory condition in which bronchioles constrict, often solved with an albuterol inhaler
  11. 19. lung parameters that do not depend on time, are unchanged